If a child cannot attend school, the parent should inform the school office via ParentMail, e-mail admin@pottenend.herts.sch.uk, telephone, or note of explanation before 9.15am on the first day of absence.
Please be aware that should your child be suffering with sickness or diarrhoea we follow NHS guidelines and request they are kept off of school until 48 hours after their last bout of illness.
If your child is well enough to participate in the school day but requires medication prescribed by a GP, please complete the form below and bring this to School Office along with the medication.
Appointments during the school day
Should a parent need to withdraw their child during the school day, for example, for a medical appointment, they should let the school office (via email) and class teacher know in advance. If your child requires a school provided meal when they return to school, please inform the school office of their meal choice before 9.15am. When delivering or collecting a child within the school day, parents should ensure that they sign their child in or out in the register outside the school office.
For more information on communications policy please click on the link.