Useful websites for parents and children to learn more about E-Safety can be found at:
Herts for Learning (Hfl)
Online safety newsletter for parents and carers.
The Cyber Protect & Prevent Officer at Hertfordshire Police has introduced some new teaching resources. Developed by the NCSC and quality assured by the PSHE Association, these free teaching resources include an award-winning online game and unique interactive short film that you may wish to share with your children to help them to develop key cyber security knowledge, skills and behaviours — this will help them to navigate the risks of online life more safely.
Cyber Sprinters for 7-11 year olds:
The Kid Smart website is a brilliant resource for learning about e-safety. It has lots of top tips on issues such as social networking and online gaming. It is aimed at children in Key Stage 2 but also has advice for parents and carers.
This website provides lots of links to useful websites relating to e-safety for parents and carers.
BBC Staysafe
This site has lots of useful advice and quizzes for children to take part in.
Click on the icon opposite to follow the SMART crew in their quest and help them make smart online decisions.
Thinkuknow Cybercafe
Click on Dongle the Rabbit to visit his pages where your child can take an e-safety quiz, learn an e-safety song or download the e-safety rules screen saver (with an adults permission).
Hector's Safety Button
Click the link to download Hector's Safety Button. This is useful resource to have at home because if your child sees something that makes them feel confused or scared when using the computer, they can click on Hector (or one of his friends) to cover the screen while they get some help.