
Potten EndChurch of England Primary School

Rooted in faith, we nurture, grow and flourish

Parable of the Mustard Seed Mark 4:30-32


We offer after school clubs. Some of these clubs are organised by the school staff whilst others are run by outside providers who make a direct charge to parents. For other activities we make a charge towards the cost involved. Sometimes, these clubs are organised in conjunction with the Friends of the School, as fund raising activities. When this is the case, we inform parents.


We offer a variety of clubs throughout the year and these include: Football, Recorder, Busy Brushes, Games & Mysteries, Netball, Choir, Dodgeball, Gymnastics and Basketball. 

In addition to the above clubs, peripatetic teachers give violin, piano, guitar and ukelele lessons during the school day. These are arranged directly with the teacher (please email the School Office for details).

It is essential that children who have attended a club are met by a responsible adult at the end of the session, as no child under 10 years of age will be allowed to walk home unaccompanied.


We feel strongly that no child should be disadvantaged for financial reasons. If a child wants to take part in a club, but their parent is not able to make a contribution, a place may still be offered. In addition to school funding received from Hertfordshire County Council/the Education Funding Agency, Potten End C of E Primary School, is able to claim a grant from the Government each year called the Pupil Premium for children whose parents or carers receive certain qualifying benefits. If a family is eligible, Potten End C of E Primary School is able to offer to subsidise clubs, trips and events for those children who are eligible for the Government grant.

Please click below to see the school calendar (detailing dates and times clubs are running)