At Potten End, we expect all pupils to have clean, smart uniform each day. We believe that by having high expectations of how they present themselves, pupils will have high personal expectations of all areas of their lives.
We encourage children to wear branded (school logo) uniform, however we are also happy for unbranded royal blue cardigans or jumpers to be worn (which are widely available to purchase).
Should you experience financial difficulties in equipping your child with uniform, there is some help available. Families seeking advice should speak to the Head Teacher, who will treat the matter with the utmost confidence.
PE Kit (no logos please)
Plain black or royal blue shorts (skorts can also be worn)
Branded or plain white T-shirt or polo shirt
For outdoor games activities in cold weather children should have school branded or plain black or royal blue jogging bottoms and sweatshirt and plain black trainers
Please ensure that PE sweatshirts are not hooded or zipped. They must also be either plain black or royal blue. Children can wear their usual school royal blue jumper or cardigan with PE kits.
Additional items
Book bags are available to purchase through Mapac
Water bottle
Additional uniform regulations
Many items bearing the school logo can be ordered via our approved suppliers; Mapac or Bucks Schoolwear Plus, plain items can be purchased elsewhere.
Friends of the School hold frequent second hand uniform sales, when good condition items can be purchased for a small donation. They are also happy to take requests throughout the year. If you would like to purchase any second hand uniform please contact
* In addition to the polo shirts detailed on the Mapac website, 100% cotton white branded polo shirts are also available. Please telephone Mapac to order (lead time approx 4-5 weeks depending on the time of year).