
Potten EndChurch of England Primary School

Rooted in faith, we nurture, grow and flourish

Parable of the Mustard Seed Mark 4:30-32





Monday (Forest Schools), Tuesday

Year 1

Wednesday, Thursday

Year 2

Tuesday, Thursday

Year 3

Thursday, Friday

Year 4

Monday, Thursday

Year 5

Wednesday (Swimming), Friday    

Year 6

Tuesday, Thursday

On PE days, children should come to school wearing their PE kit.

Summer Term Events


Olympics Week - 17th June 2024 - 21st June 2024

  • Game On Mini Olympics - Monday 17th June (am)
  • Chance to Shine Cricket - Tuesday 18th June
  • School Games Day - Thursday 20th June
  • Boxing Workshops (KS2) - Friday 21st June 

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills


Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby Festival - 24th April 2024 at Camelot Rugby Club

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills


EYFS - EYFS Olympics - 22nd May 2024 at EA Hemel Hempstead

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills


KS1 Olympics (Year 1) - 25th June 2024 (am) at EA Hemel Hempstead

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills 

Spring Term Sports Events


Year 3 - Target Based Games - 23rd January (am) at JFK

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills

Year 6 - Sports Hall Athletics - 6th February (pm) at Ashlyns

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation, to develop confidence and competency within sports skills and to support transition

Year 1 - Sports Activities - 28th February (am) at Berkhamsted Sports Centre

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills

Year 6 - Dodgeball Competition - 27th February (after school) at Astley Cooper Secondary School

Intent – Engage new groups of young people and promote success and achievement

Year 5 - Dodgeball Competition - 5th March (after school) at The Hemel Hempstead Secondary School

Intent – Engage new groups of young people and promote success and achievement

Year 2 - Sports Hall Athletics - 12th March (am) at JFK

Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills

Year 5/6 Mixed Football Tournament - 26th March (all day) at Kings Langley Secondary School

Intent – To promote success and achievement / To support transition

Year 5/6 Girls' Football Tournament - 27th March (all day) at Longdean Secondary School

Intent – To promote success and achievement / To support transition



Autumn Term Sports Events


Year 2 and Year 3 Glow Dance - 28th September 2023 


  • Intent for this event - Increase regular participation and motivation


Year 6 Tag Rugby - 11th October 2023 at Camelot Rugby Club

  • Intent for this event - Develop confidence and competence within physical activity / sports skills


Activity Ambassadors (selected year 6 children) - 13th October 2023

  • Intent for this event - Develop leadership, character, life skills


Cross Country - Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 - 17th October 2023

  • Intent for this event - Create positive experiences and promote success and achievement


Year 5 and 6 Mixed Football League - Starting 3rd October 2023

Year 5 and 6 Girls Football League - Starting 3rd October 2023 (selected children)

  • Intent for the league - promote success and achievement and building social skills and connections


U11 Girls Table Tennis (selected children) - 1st November 2023

  • Intent for this event - Engage new/ target groups of young people (tackling inequalities) and supporting transition


U11 Boys Table Tennis (selected children) - 8th November 2023

  • Intent for this event - Engage new/ target groups of young people (tackling inequalities) and supporting transition


Year 4 - Active Numeracy (selected children) - 16th November 2023

  • Intent for this event - promoting physical literacy (through numeracy) and engaging new target groups of young children.


House Cup Event - Year 1- Year 6 - 2nd November 2023

  • Intent for this event - Create positive experiences and develop confidence and competence within physical activity / sports skills.


Year 2 - Multi-skills event - 14th November 2023

  • Intent for this event - Create positive experiences and promote success and achievement.

Olympic Week

World Book Day - Exploring stories through drama and dance

To improve health and wellbeing - Rebound Fitness

Year 3 - Target Based Games - 23rd January (am) at JFK Intent – To increase regular participation and motivation and to develop confidence and competency within sports skills

Skip2BFit - To promote active 60 - keeping children active for up to 60 minutes a day

Year 5 & 6 Boys (Mixed League) Football Team

Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Matches

Year 1 - 6 House Cup

U11 Girls Table Tennis

Year 6 Tag Rugby

Glow Dance - Year 2 and 3

Key Stage 2 Cross Country

Scooter and Skateboarding Workshops - Spring 2023

Autumn 2022 PE

Hockey - Berkhamsted Hockey Club

On the 7th May 2021, the children from year 1-6 took part in a Skip2BFit activity.  The session looked at the importance of resilience and a growth mindset, as well as personal challenge.  Over the remainder of this term the children will be trying to improve their score and see that developing the skills above will support their learning in the classroom. It is not about comparing themselves with others but about their own progress. That with focus and concentration they can improve.  We look forward to John's return towards the end of term to see how the children have been doing.



Skip 2B Fit - 7th May 2021
