Drinks and snacks
Milk is available to all children. There is a small charge payable for those over the age of five. Parents are able to order milk for their children through the company Cool Milk. If your child is in receipt of benefit related free school meals, please contact the school office who will order the milk on your behalf.
Research has shown that children who drink sufficient amounts of water are able to sustain better levels of concentration. Children should bring a named, clear bottle of water to school each day. The bottle must have a sports top. It is available to the child whenever they are in their classroom. They are able to refill the bottle whenever it is empty and should take it home at the end of every day so that fresh water can be brought the following day.
At morning breaktime, we provide children In Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 with a piece or fruit or vegetable. At present, we are taking part in the Fruit and Vegetable Scheme which is funded by the Government to the end of Key Stage 1. Children in Years 3 to 6 may bring a piece of fruit from home.