
Potten EndChurch of England Primary School

Rooted in faith, we nurture, grow and flourish

Parable of the Mustard Seed Mark 4:30-32


School Admissions


Our published admissions number (PAN) for Reception is 30.


The academic year runs from 1 September to 31 August. Children are admitted into our Reception class in the academic year in which they are going to be 5.

Applications for places in Reception to Year 6 are administered by Hertfordshire County Council and are applied for via the website. 


The admissions process can be an anxious time for parents. Should you have any concerns, please let us know and we will do our best to help.


For Reception admissions, our Early Years Team offer a home visit prior to your child starting, to allow the staff to meet your child in comfortable and familiar surroundings and to offer parents/carers the opportunity to discuss any issues unique to your child.

Welcome to Potten End Church of England Primary School

As you make your choices for which Primary School to send your child(ren) to, it is important to find one that matches the needs of your child and yourselves...

School Induction


We want children to find their start at Potten End School to be a positive experience. Before their starting date, all children and parents are invited to the school for a preliminary visit. When the time comes to admit children into Reception, we stagger the intake by admitting a few children each day so that all children have the chance to get to know the teachers and their classroom.


Starting full time education will make your child tired, even if they have attended full time nursery day care prior to coming to the school. The day is full of new learning experiences and children are required to become familiar with many new routines and expectations. For this reason, Reception Class children initially come for either a morning or afternoon only. Their time in school is then extended to include lunchtime and following this, it is extended to cover the whole school day. We operate this arrangement in the best interests of the children although, of course, we understand that it may cause temporary inconvenience to parents, particularly if both are working.


Secondary School Transfer


In the autumn term of the academic year in which your child is eleven, you should receive communication from Hertfordshire County Council regarding applying for a secondary school place. If you do not receive this, please let us know.

