Once a month we visit Holy Trinity Church for a service. We take part in village events. At Christmas, Year 4 visit residents of the local Abbeyfield retirement housing to sing to them.
We sometimes use money raised at school events to support local charities and we like to present senior citizens of the village with a homemade gift at Harvest. We invite members of the local community to talk to children about their interests and experiences and we are grateful to other organisations, such as the Church, Potten End Cricket Club and the Village Hall, who allow us to use their facilities to enhance our children’s education.
Our buildings are available for use by local organisations either as a one-off booking or for regular events. Currently our facilities are used by a dance school, yoga/pilates and a theatre school.
If you are interested in hiring our facilities, please download our Letting Policy (please see link below) for more details and information regarding our charges.
If you would like to discuss hiring our facilities or require more information, please contact the school office 01442 865022 or email: admin@pottenend.herts.sch.uk.