Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Morning 8.45am to 12.00pm (including a fifteen minute break)
Afternoon 1.00pm to 3.15pm (there is no break in the afternoon)
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Key Stage 2)
Morning 8.45am to 12.15pm (including a fifteen minute break)
Afternoon 1.15pm to 3.15pm (there is no break in the afternoon)
The playground will be open to pupils from 8.40am.
Children can arrive at school between 8.40am and 8.45am. They can walk directly to their classrooms and enter. All year groups enter and leave via the gate at the top of the main playground.
Each day begins with a period of registration. Any children who arrive after 8.45am from should report to the school office.
At the end of the day, parents come into the playground for a 3.15pm pick up from directly outside the classroom door. The class teacher will ensure that each child is collected by the appropriate adult. Children in Year 5 and above are encouraged to walk part of the way to and from school independently.
The compulsory time that Potten End School is open is 32.5 hours per week. This time runs from the official start of the school day at 8.45am (morning registration) to the official end of the compulsory school day at 3.15pm. This includes breaks, but not optional before or after school activities.